What are Header file, Standard Library & Using Namespace std in C++


Header file, Standard Library & using namespace std:

The real life example of header file and standard library is like a real world book library which is made of books in the same way C++ standard library is made of header files like "iostream" in which functions or keywords for input/output operations are stored. And a "using namespace" is a built in keyword of c++ which introduce the keywords and functions of standard library with a namespace "std" which is a short of Standard library.

what is iostream & std

In the second image below is a c language Header file briefly defined.

c header file diagram


In this page we studied that what are Iostream and using namespace in c++. I hope you have learned the concept of Header files and namespaces. Allah Hafiz 


Tags: #include<iostream> | using namespace std | Header file | Namespace | C++ Standard Library

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