What are Variables & Data types in programming language - Learn easily


                Variables and Data types



When we make any program we need some place to temporarily store different types of data related to that program to perform different operations on it. That’s why we need variables to store data temporarily in it. You can’t store data permanently in variables because variables work in Random Access Memory. To store data permanently on hard disk we need files for it.


Data Types

Data type of any variable is the type of the data which decides that what kind of data can be store in variables. There are many data types like “integer” for storing numbers, “character” for storing characters, “strings” to store strings etc.


variables and data types

Variable in Mathematics

Variables in Maths is a symbol for a value which we don’t know yet. It is usually a letter like Y or B or X etc.


variable in Mathematics


 In this blog we studied about Variables and Data types. I hope you have got the concept of variables & data types. Allah Hafiz.

Tags: Variables & Data types | variables | data types | variable & data type in c++ |                  Variables in mathematics

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